I. class Hungarian sweet paprika

Our sweet paprika, belonging to the first class quality classification, contains 100% Hungarian paprika, which is why it also received the delicacy „csemege” label.
We constantly check the quality of our paprika acccording to strict rules, and we buy from proven suppliers in order to ensure that everyone is completely satisfied with the colour and taste of the paprika purchased from us.
We recommend the I. class sweet paprika ground for all dishes that require paprika: for seasoning vegetables, soups, stews and other dishes. Due to its high quality, it is excellent for the homemade preparation of spice mixes for meat, because due to its intense colour, it gives the food a beautiful colour when frying meat, vegetables, and fish.
Tip: Store paprika in a cool, dry place protected from light, e.g. in the chamber. It loses its colour very quickly when exposed to sunlight. If you keep it next to the stove, it may get wet or stick together more easily. You can store it in its original packaging, carefully sealed, or keep it in a dark-coloured, opaque plastic or metal box.
weight: 50 g, 100 g, 250 g, 1 kgDo you know, that…
The paprika classes are regulated by the Hungarian Food Codex, which, among other things, regulates the colour and composition of paprika. In the case of first-class quality, it primarily means a beautiful, bright red colour. Only paprika with 100% Hungarian origin can be labelled „csemege”.
How to use
Add to the food according to your taste, preferably at the beginning of the cooking time. Be careful because it burns easily.